Browse Items (717 total)

"Afro-Americans represented at International Fair," 1969

\"Afro-Americans Represented at International Fair,\" 1969.jpg
This February 12, 1969, Technician article details the Society of Afro-American Culture's protest of the South African booth at the NC State International Fair.


"AIDS - The Leading Killer Amongst Young Adults"


AIDS - The Leading Killer Amongst Young Adults

By Tawana Myles

Aids [sic] has surpassed accidents as the leading killer of young adults today, experts say. Recent figures show that in 1993, HIV became the leading cause of death for Americans…

"All Girl Show," March 16, 1962

This document is a flyer for the State's Mates variety show in March of 1962.

"Alumni Values," January 6, 1937

This Raleigh News and Observer article asserts that alumni need to remember NC State's educational purpose and not focus so heavily on the football team.

"An Apology to our Loyal Readers"


An Apology to our Loyal Readers:

We intended to fill this space with an article that highlighted the accomplishments and career of an Afrikan-American man or woman who is (or was) the Head Coach of an athletic team at N.C. State. Unfortunately,…

"Apple Pest Control School"

ua100_025-004-bx0018-004-000- Apple Pest Control School Program.pdf
This folder contains information about the 1949 Apple Pest Control Schools hosted by NC State University in the North Carolina Mountains. The folder contains announcements for the schools, rosters for the schools, a program of events, as well as some…

"Are You a Member of The Talented Tenth: Faculty, Staff and Students?"


Are You a Member of The Talented Tenth: Faculty, Staff and Students?

By Carolyn Holloway

I have always been a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, because through the power of the ancestors - anything is possible. For the past…

"Base Selections on Quality, Not Race"


Affirmative action programs seek to provide a larger applicant pool for desirable positions through quality training and recruiting. Once the larger pool is in place, previously disadvantaged minorities have an equal chance for selection. For many…

"Battle Flag of the US Confederacy"

Confederate Battle Flag.png
This is a photograph of the battle flag used by the Confederate States of America during the U.S. Civil War.

"Betty Marcum Named 'Mrs. NC State,'" January 13, 1968

This article from The Technician discusses the winner of the 1965 Mrs. NC State pageant, Betty Marcum.