Browse Projects
Projects gather items and exhibits on one topic and provide other resources, like timelines, teaching and learning activities, and visitor contributions.

Activists and Authorities focuses on May 1970 and the events surrounding the write-in election of Cathy Sterling to Student Body President and the post-Kent State shooting. These actions help show the dramatic changes on NC State's campus from the 1960s to 1970s.

Agricultural Empowerment investigates perceptions of empowerment held by leaders in North Carolina agriculture and Extension and their approaches to agricultural empowerment through academics, research, and extension.

The Illusion of Inclusion: Creating Space and Crafting Identity in The Nubian Message, 1990 to 2014 questions the idea that the United States is a "post-racial" society by exploring the history of The Nubian Message, North Carolina State University's first African-American student newspaper.

Race & Space explores NC State's long process of racial integration from 1965-1985. With a thorough investigation of the student body, the workplace, the athletic department, and the Raleigh community, Race & Space argues that NC State's integration was not a singular event but a series of spatial negotiations on and around campus.

Crossing the Color Line: Desegregation at N.C. State, 1950-1981 explores NC State’s transition from a predominantly white institution to a more inclusive university, open to all students regardless of race. This project primarily focuses on the integration of undergraduate students between 1950 and 1981, with particular emphasis on administrative policies and early student groups.

The Good Wife Diploma examines the experience of students' wives at North Carolina State University through the State's Mates women's organization. State's Mates both conformed to and challenged notions of womanhood through the middle of the twentieth century by giving women a means to express themselves socially and civically.

NC Eats is a teaching tool that explores the ways North Carolina State University contributed to the eating revolution that happened in North Carolina between the 1910s and 1960s. Exhibits focus specifically on changes to food production and consumption, the science of nutrition, and the role both black and white women played in transforming North Carolina's foodways.

Under Review: The Anderson-Sermon Controversy and Football's Role on the College Campus addresses a 1936 conflict in the North Carolina State University athletic department centered around the football team, its coaching staff, and the team’s role in college life. The exhibits discuss debates over football’s role in identity formation, its commercial role, and its educational role.