Browse Items (717 total)
The People Have Spoken!! AASAC-endorsed Candidates Swept Elections
Student Body Officers for the 2000-2001 school year (from left to right): Mark Aldrich, Student Center President, Michael Anthony, Student Body Treasurer, Harold Pettigrew, Student Body President, Conen Morgan, Student Senate President
Cowards in Our Midst/Not Nearly Enough
Those who will not stand up for their fellow black brothers and sisters on campus, those who fear being labeled as too black or too militant are in the opinion of this paper, cowards.
Those who are willing to step up and voice their opinions,…
"SAAC tactics not promoting racial unity," November 5, 1973
Chancellor Caldwell’s private meeting with Don Bell and several SAAC members Thursday afternoon as this Liaison Committee meeting does nothing to improve the black-white relationship on this campus. Bell’s refusal to speak up during the…
Tags: SAAC
"The Chancellor earns an ovation and flowers, too"
Student Wives, October 15, 1955
Tags: promotional
"Mrs. NC State? The Choice Will Be Made Monday Night," January 8, 1965
Tags: beauty pageant, social activities
Graham Praises Farm Institute
"Graham Praises Farm Institute: The Agricultural Institute of N.C. State University, which offeres a two-year terminal course in several major fields of agriculture and farm-related business, is 'filling a real need' in the state, Agriculture…
The Great White Hype??
The white quarterback is the most heralded player in professional and collegiate football because of, among many things, unfair coverage by television and print media, a study conducted by “The Nubian Message†revealed.
"An Apology to our Loyal Readers"
An Apology to our Loyal Readers:
We intended to fill this space with an article that highlighted the accomplishments and career of an Afrikan-American man or woman who is (or was) the Head Coach of an athletic team at N.C. State. Unfortunately,…
"The Double Life of Afrikan-American Women"
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Philip Morris Scholarship Winners

This photograph depicts the winners of the Philip Morris Scholarship. Notice there are two white women recepients.