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- Collection: The Illusion of Inclusion
The Hidden Threats
A lot of things go on behind the scenes that many of us are not aware of. These are the things that are most threatening to our well-being, the things that affect our lives the most. Especially being in college, if you don’t seek to find…
The Wake Up Call
A lot of you may be wondering what’s next, you have our attention so what are you going to do with it Harold. So, now it’s time to dig deeper. We have recognized that there is a problem with the operation of our student organizations, but now we…
The Great White Hype??
The white quarterback is the most heralded player in professional and collegiate football because of, among many things, unfair coverage by television and print media, a study conducted by “The Nubian Message†revealed.
Money Ain't It
I recently read an article entitled “Lawyers aim to win reparations for descendants of slaves†by Harvard Law Professor, Charles J. Ogletree. The article was about paying back the descendants of slaves for the wrong that our ancestors endured…
Discrete Discrimination/On the Future of HBCU's
Houpe, Discrete Discrimination: Another purchase that millions of Americans make each year is their automobile. Not unlike the real estate business, the automotive sales industry has found veiled ways to discriminate against minorities.…
Why African-Americans MUST Vote on November 7
The latest breed of black Republicans are quick to document the Democractic Party’s historical negligence of the African-American people. Obvious history-enthusiasts they proclaim the Republican Party’s strong commitment to minority issues,…
Cowards in Our Midst/Not Nearly Enough
Those who will not stand up for their fellow black brothers and sisters on campus, those who fear being labeled as too black or too militant are in the opinion of this paper, cowards.
Those who are willing to step up and voice their opinions,…
Just a Technicality?
I’m not a Greek, but even I did a triple take following last Tuesday’s Technician article about sorority and fraternity GPA’s at N.C. State. Perhaps it is because I have a predisposition to read between even the invisible lines, having already…
"No Conspiracy, blame Supply and Demand"
I am writing this letter in response to Tony Williamson’s Forum letter of Sept. 28. There is only one thing I would like to address at this point: the conspiracy theory. Williamson asked why there are so many liquor stores and gun shops in…
"King's Power in Words, Freedom of Speech"
Responding to a column in Technician, African-American students protested by burning copies of the newspaper on the Brickyard. I admire all people who exercise their constitutional rights as these students did when they lawfully assembled. However,…
Featured Item
The six finalists in the Mrs. NC State pageant, January 11, 1965

This photograph is of the 6 finalists from the 1965 Mrs. NC State pageant.