Browse Items (717 total)
Oral History Interview with Doretha Blalock, Margaret Hunt, and Cyrus King
Catherine Reynolds to State's Mates president, December 2, 1968
"Are You a Member of The Talented Tenth: Faculty, Staff and Students?"
Are You a Member of The Talented Tenth: Faculty, Staff and Students?
By Carolyn Holloway
I have always been a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, because through the power of the ancestors - anything is possible. For the past…
"N.C. Student Leaders Indecisive Over Affirmative Action"
N.C. Student Leaders Indecisive Over Affirmative Action
By Carolyn Holloway
The wait over the student debate for Affirmative Action may be over in the UNC-System.
Recently, in the gathering of UNC-Student Government leaders at UNC-Chapel…
Chancellor Carey Bostian to [Name Redacted], November 4, 1954
Tags: Administration
Chancellor Carey Bostian to William Rodman, Jr., February 24, 1956
Tags: Administration
Chancellor Carey Bostian to William Friday, February 29, 1956
Tags: UNC
Chancellor Carey Bostian to University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray, June 6, 1955
Tags: Administration
Chancellor Carey Bostian to University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray, May 31, 1955
May 31, 1955
Mr. Gordon Gray, President
The University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Dear Mr. Gray:
I would like to submit the folloll1ng letter as a suggestion for communicating with Negro applicants:
"Dear Mr.…
Tags: Administration
"Harrison SAACed," November 9, 1973
To the Editor: According to Brenda Harrison, I am what you might classify as one of the “less vocal black students on campus.” (Technician, Monday, Nov. 5). I feel that it is really pitiful that the black leaders and black students in…
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John W. Clark, member of the University of North Carolina Board of Trustees, to UNC Board of Trustee members, June 30, 1950

In this June 30, 1950 letter, John W. Clark, identified as a member of the Executive Committee of the University of North Carolina Board of Trustees,…