Browse Items (717 total)

"Soldiers of the (Mechanized) Artillery, 40. Infantry Division (California Army National Guard) patrol the streets of Los Angeles, USA"

This photograph is of California National Guardsmen patrolling the streets of Los Angeles during the now infamous April 1992 race riots. The riots broke out after a jury acquitted white police officers who had brutally beaten an African-American man,…

"Short Judgement," November 13, 1936

This student editorial in The Technician discusses the Graham Plan and says that it needs more time to succeed.

"Senior Class," Agromeck, 1937

This excerpt from the 1937 edition of the Agromeck presents photographs of the senior class.

"Senate Acts on Student Requests"

This article, on the front page of The Technician, described the faculty senate's decision that they should encourage political activism. The decision changed class policy rules and allowed students to treat missing class for a political event…

"SAAC, 'Group' demonstrate for non-academic workers," 1969

\"SAAC, \'Group\' Demonstrate for Non-Academic Workers,\" 1969.png
This March 3, 1969, article in The Technician describes a student and non-academic worker demonstration in defense of NC State's Physical Plant workers. Members of the Society of Afro-American Culture and its president, Eric Moore, played a large…


"SAAC tactics not promoting racial unity," November 5, 1973


Chancellor Caldwell’s private meeting with Don Bell and several SAAC members Thursday afternoon as this Liaison Committee meeting does nothing to improve the black-white relationship on this campus. Bell’s refusal to speak up during the…


"SAAC offers black students self identity," September 17, 1973

SAAC offers black students self identity, September 17, 1973.jpg
In this article, C. Ray Dudley III described the goals of the Society of Afro-American Culture during the 1973-1974 school year. The article includes excerpts from an interview with Don Bell, president of the SAAC.


"SAAC demands," February 13, 1974

SAAC demands, February 13, 1974.jpg
A letter to the editor authored by NC State senior David V. Brooks, "SAAC demands" criticized student leaders for their support for allocating the Print Shop for an African American cultural center. The letter specifically took issue with student…


"Request met: Talley gives black students first floor Print Shop," March 13, 1974


The decision to allow black students access to the first floor of the print shop for the development of a cultural center was made official Monday in a letter from Banks C. Talley, Dean of Student Affairs. The letter addressed to Don Bell, president…

"Report on Mrs. North Carolina State Contest," January 1964

This report outlined the 1964 Mrs. NC State contest and included the application to enter, a list of sponsors and donors, information about the contestants, the judges, and the attendance numbers for each night.