Browse Items (717 total)

Cathy Sterling

Photograph of Cathy Sterling sitting at a desk with paperwork.

Catherine Reynolds to State's Mates president, December 2, 1968

In this postcard, Catherine Reynolds writes to the State's Mates president asking if student wives still put on a yearly talent show because she wanted to attend again.

Can-Can Rehearsal, ca. 1960-1961

This newspaper clipping shows the State's Mates members practicing a dance for their annual Valentine's Day banquet.

Campus Leaders Call Convocation--Debating Cambodia

Debating Camobida (1).jpg

To Debate Cambodia Situation, Campus Leaders Call Convocation

C.W. Hodges to Dean Harrelson, November 21, 1936

C.W. Hodges, NC State alumnus, wrote Dean Harrelson to express his opinion on the football situation at NC State. He advocated retaining Coach Anderson.

Bury 'Em Deep, Wolf Pack, ca. 1960

The State's Mates homecoming float, which earned them a second place prize.

Bulk Curing Simplifies Tobacco Mechanization, Paper No. 59-311, 1959.

This report from the 1959 Annual Meeting for the American Society of Agricultural Engineers claims bulk curing simplifies tobacco mechanization.

Boys' club work (white)

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This report was created by C.R. Hudson and is an excerpt of a larger report on North Carolina Agricultural Extension.


Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington.jpg
This photograph is of Booker T. Washington, a former slave who became an important leader of the African-American community at the turn of the twentieth century. Washington lived in the era of Jim Crow segregation in which African Americans were…

Board Meeting Minutes, May 14, 1964

In this document, the new president of State's Mates suggested to the organization's board that the State's Mates should consider taking on the project of issuing Good Wife Diplomas since the student government decided not to issue them anymore.