Browse Items (717 total)
Testimony of Mr. Ward to Dean Harrelson, December 18, 1936
Testimony of Ralph Brimmley, December 18, 1936
By Ralph Brimmley:
Would you all like to know or have facts or suggestions on how you could get proof that there has been practically no sense of enforcing the Graham Plan this year? Would you all like the facts that the morals of our present State…
Tags: marching band
The 43 Grievances
The Afrikan American Engineer in the 21st Century: A Burden Challenge and Opportunity
Existing as an Afrikan American engineer in the next century will present many burdens, challenges and opportunities for the eager souls willing to accept them. In the 21st century, Afrikan American engineers should play a demonstrative role in…
The Convocation was a success!
Thousands Attend Convocation; March to Capitol Today at 11
The Declaration of Indepedence
The Discriminated Describe Reality"
I would like to correct his “bottom line” of what discrimination is. It is not, as he states when “someone or some group feels cheated out of their perogatives or insulted by beliefs that don’t agree with theirs.”…
The Great White Hype??
The white quarterback is the most heralded player in professional and collegiate football because of, among many things, unfair coverage by television and print media, a study conducted by “The Nubian Message†revealed.
The Hidden Threats
A lot of things go on behind the scenes that many of us are not aware of. These are the things that are most threatening to our well-being, the things that affect our lives the most. Especially being in college, if you don’t seek to find…
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Federal, Professors, and Students documents related to USDA Research Apprenticeship Program, 1982.

1982 was the third successful year of the Research Apprenticeship program. While the program took place in the School of Agriculture and Life…