The Discriminated Describe Reality"


The Discriminated Describe Reality"


Andrew King's letter is actually a response to a homophobic letter written by student Bret Taylor on October 21, 1991. Most of King's letter is a defense of gay rights. King argues that his right to love whom he chooses does not infringe on anyone else's rights and he asks Taylor to consider what it would be like if he were gay and heard the same discriminating things said about him. King states that discrimination is not simply a feeling in the mind of the discriminated, but the real denial of rights of and citizenship by a self-righteous majority. King also defends affirmative action and points out that quotas may seem like a benefit, but they are hardly so considering the vast privileges that the majority enjoys.


Andrew King


Andrew King, "The Discriminated Describe Reality," The Technician vol. LXXIII no. 41 (December 2, 1991): 6A.




Cheryl Dong


newspaper article


I would like to correct his “bottom line” of what discrimination is. It is not, as he states when “someone or some group feels cheated out of their perogatives or insulted by beliefs that don’t agree with theirs.” Discrimination is the denial of one’s rights as an equal tax-paying citizen by a group which believes they have all the answers and all the rules to live by--rules which must be followed.

As for the “benefits” of hiring quotas, they help some females and non-whites get jobs. However, examine the word minority and its many connotations. A minority usually is discriminated against, especially by companies that strongly value the all white, traight male tradition that Taylor recommends. As minorities, we must demand more than we want to simply get what we need. It’s like buying a house. You ask a higher price than what you want, knowing the amount will be lowered during negotiations. Quotas simply ensure that some minorities will be hired. While this may seem like a “benefit,” it hardly compares to the privileges that the majority enjoys.

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Andrew King, “The Discriminated Describe Reality",” The State of History, accessed March 13, 2025,