Browse Items (717 total)

J. Henry Highsmith to Dr. Frank Graham, December 11, 1936

Superintendent of Public Instruction Highsmith wrote Graham expressing his concern about profanity among college sports, the attitude of coaches, and the educational role athletics should play on campus

Boys' club work (white)

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This report was created by C.R. Hudson and is an excerpt of a larger report on North Carolina Agricultural Extension.


Negro Boys' Club work

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This report was created by C.R. Hudson in 1919. It is a selection of the report specifically on Negro boys' club work in North Carolina.


"Quail Roost: Students, administrators see conference differently," February 6, 1974


A weekend conference between black and white student leaders and University Officials has drawn both criticism and praise from those involved. The conference, held at Quail Roose, near Durham, was sponsored by the Department of Student Development to…

"Graham Plan Considered Idealistic," December 25, 1936

An article from the Greensboro Record discussed the Graham Plan as "'baloney' wrapped up in fine words as written from an educational authority."

Inventory of work in 1943

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This report was created in 1943 to summarize the relief efforts of home demonstration clubs in North Carolina during World War Two.

"Chancellor Appoints Disruption Policy Committees"

This article is located on the last page of this edition of The Technician. In it, Hilton Smith wrote about the disruption policy committees that Chancellor Caldwell created in November 1970. The committees contained both students and faculty, each…

"Senate Acts on Student Requests"

This article, on the front page of The Technician, described the faculty senate's decision that they should encourage political activism. The decision changed class policy rules and allowed students to treat missing class for a political event…

"Student Retreat Proposal Passes Faculty Meeting 265 to 233"

North Carolina State University school newspaper, the Technician, detailing the Peace Retreat and content written by Cathy Sterling.

"Lack of Respect Issue Not Addressed in Editorial"


Recently, Technician published an editorial that explored the issue of what Africans should be called in America. As an African, born in America, I was deeply disappointed with your editorial. In my opinion, it lacked depth and sensitivity.…