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"Are You a Member of The Talented Tenth: Faculty, Staff and Students?"


Are You a Member of The Talented Tenth: Faculty, Staff and Students?

By Carolyn Holloway

I have always been a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, because through the power of the ancestors - anything is possible. For the past…

Voices Extra Vol. 1, No. 3

"The Group" printed a newsletter called Voices. In the first volume, they recount "Worker Sympathy Demonstration No. 1" held in support of the Physical Plant employees in partnership with the Society of Afro-American Culture.The demonstration was…

Trial of 16 Workers Arrested in Chancellor's Office

After Physical Plant employees were arrested for trespassing in Chancellor Caldwell's office, "The Group" showed their support by raising awareness of the arrests on campus. They encouraged students and university employees to attend the trial of the…

Students and Workers Unite!

"The Group" closely followed the dispute between the administration and Physical Plant employees. In this flyer, they are calling upon students to show their support for the workers by attending a demonstration staged by "The Group."

Recent Events Concerning the Workers

The Physical Plant employees received support from a number of campus groups during the protests in the spring of 1969. One of the students groups that showed significant support simply called themselves "The Group." They were prodimently white…

The 43 Grievances

On March 24, 1969, Chancellor John T. Caldwell released his item-by-item response to each of the 43 grievances submitted to him by Physical Plant employees. Caldwell's responses are a mix of acceding that the grievance is justified, stating the…

Message to All SPA Employees

After the Physical Plant division's employees protested in the spring of 1969, the university implemented changes to improve the working conditions and grievance procedures of non-academic workers. Chancellor Caldwell outlines the changes in this…

Oral History Interview with I.T. (Isaac Thomas) Littleton

I.T. Littleton started working at D.H. Hill library in 1959 and served as director of D.H. Hill from 1967-1987. Littleton was intricately involved in the integration of D.H. Hill's staff and involved in the Civil Rights Movement. His experiences…

Oral History Interview with Doretha Blalock, Margaret Hunt, and Cyrus King

D.H. Hill Library was one of the first workspaces on NC State's campus that integrated black and white staff and employees. In this interview conducted in 2007, three former library employees recount their experiences and involvement in integration,…