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"Still Not the Time," November 6, 1936

Coach Hunk Anderson’s dismissal of three members of the Wolfpack has brought to the fore again discussion on State’s athletic situation. Rumors once again run rife upon the campus as students and faculty members wonder what is going on…

"Pack Coaches and Captain," October 2, 1936,

Pictured are the NC State football coaches and captain for the 1936 season, with Heartley Anderson on the far left.

"Needed: A Sense of Values," January 8, 1937

The moot question of the State College Athletic Situation, like the much publicized Spanish Civil War, would seem to be entering its final stage. It has passed through the hands of Athletic Council, Faculty Council, Dean Harrelson, Doctor Graham.…

Student Petition

A group of students wrote and circulated this petition to get rid of Coach Anderson. They argued that he did not provide the moral leadership the team needed.

Football Team Petition

The NC State College football team created and signed this petition in favor of retaining Coach Anderson

"Alumni Values," January 6, 1937

This Raleigh News and Observer article asserts that alumni need to remember NC State's educational purpose and not focus so heavily on the football team.

"Sweeping Changes Made in University Athletics," January 31, 1937

This article details the changes to NC State's athletic program following the 1936 Anderson-Sermon hearings.

"Not the Time," October 9, 1936

A student editorial that urges students to remain united in their school spirit and not become divided over the football situation until the season ends

"The Anderson Squabble," December 24, 1936

This newspaper article discusses the Anderson-Sermon controversy, and describes the squabble between those who want to emphasize the athletic and the educational purposes of the school.

"Short Judgement," November 13, 1936

This student editorial in The Technician discusses the Graham Plan and says that it needs more time to succeed.