"Still Not the Time," November 6, 1936


"Still Not the Time," November 6, 1936


This Technician article argues that students should rally behind the football team for the rest of the season. Instead of focusing on the rumors and controversy surrounding the team, this student writer believes NC State students should support their team no matter what.




"Still Not the Time," The Technician, November 6, 1936, Special Collections Research Center, North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh.








Coach Hunk Anderson’s dismissal of three members of the Wolfpack has brought to the fore again discussion on State’s athletic situation. Rumors once again run rife upon the campus as students and faculty members wonder what is going on behind all this publicity which has appeared about the football situation here this fall.

Again, we reiterate that this is not the time for ill-formed opinions and judgments. Three weeks remain of the football season. At the conclusion of that time, the pros and cons certainly merit an airing by the authorities. That airing, the situation will get.

At present, the general public is rather in the dark about what is transpiring. Like the former Will Rogers, all the average citizen knows is what he reads in the papers. What he reads in the papers may vary from Coach Anderson’s statement that the dismissed boys turned in their uniforms because they created friction on the squad to David Clark’s statement that there is no friction here; that there never has been any friction, and that everything is quiet on the West Raleigh front.

Going into the concluding stretch of a peculiar football season, State College will get to the bottom of all these flying rumors, will settle any issues involved satisfactorily, will conduct herself creditably—of this we feel sure.

Therefore, we ask the student body to carry on, to realize that this is no time for recriminations, for dissension. By realizing these facts, students will give to neighboring institutions a proof that this institution contains a group of good sports, a group which thinks, and a group which does not fly off the handle easily.

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Unknown, “"Still Not the Time," November 6, 1936,” The State of History, accessed January 26, 2025, https://soh.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/230.