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Reports of Officers, State's Mates, 1974-1975
This handwritten document contains the reports of State's Mates officers for the 1974-1975 academic year.
Tags: annual reports, core documents
Report to the Board, November 14, 1960
This report chronicles a State's Mates visit to the Wake County Detention home in November, 1960.
Tags: civic
Report of the University Good Neighbor Council 1969-1970
This report of the Good Neighbor Council's accomplishments and activities during the 1969-1970 school year covers the progress the council had made towards achieving higher black enrollment and black student engagement. The report also makes some…
Report of the Good Neighbor Council 1974-1975
This report of the Good Neighbor Council's accomplishments and activities during the 1974-1975 school year covers the progress the council had made towards achieving higher black enrollment and black student engagement. The report also makes some…
Report of Projects Committee, October 10, 1960
This report outlines possible annual projects for State's Mates in the inaugural year of the Projects Committee.
Tags: civic
Report Hits NCSU for Ag Research
This is an article from the June 8, 1972 Technician. It discusses a report that accuses land grand colleges of neglecting small farmers in favor of corporate interests. The issue also contains two articles that refute the claims in this report.
Recording of Mississippi Goddamm
This youtube video is a live recording of Nina Simone's performance of Mississippi Goddamm. This recording was from her concert on April 6, 1968, two days after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Her informal call and response in this…
Recent Events Concerning the Workers
The Physical Plant employees received support from a number of campus groups during the protests in the spring of 1969. One of the students groups that showed significant support simply called themselves "The Group." They were prodimently white…
Raymond Dawson
Raymond Dawson became the Vice-President of Academic Affairs for the University of North Carolina during the 1970s. Raymond Dawson has seven interviews, which are available through the Southern Oral History Program. In this interview, he talks about…
Tags: HEW
Raleigh YMCA Building, 1960
Raleigh erected its first permanent YMCA building in 1913 on the corner of Wilmington and Edenton Streets. The Y sold its aging facility in 1959 and erected a new modernist structure on 1601 Hillsborough Street---mere blocks from the NCSU campus. The…
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"Dances to Victory, States Mates Winner Chosen," January 1966

The article in the school newspaper announced the winner of the Mrs. NC State 1966 title.