Speakers, Fashions, and Talent: Early Social Activities and Self Expression

This flyer was used to advertise the 1962 State's Mates variety show to North Carolina State University.
This section examines at the dominant social activities in the early history of State's Mates, chiefly fashion shows and talent shows.
During the 1950's and early 1960's, the activities of State's Mates were dominated by three activities that helped State's Mates members assert their identities as individuals and as student wives. Guest speakers sometimes came to monthly meetings to discuss topics of interest to the club. Fashion and variety shows allowed State's Mates members to express themselves to the rest of the group.
These were by no means the only social programs at this time. Other programs developed included family craft nights, Christmas caroling, social dances, and potluck meals. However, these three were the longest lasting: fashion and talent shows evolved into the Mrs. NC State beauty pageant, and guest speakers began to dominate social programs for the rest of the year.
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