Questions to Consider

Photograph of North Carolina State College and Clemson Football Game, 1932
  • Historian Pamela Grundy stated that early 20th-century sports provided a "significant forum for discussing moral behavior."  How does this apply to sports today?
  • Should college athletes be held to higher standards of ethics, morality, and behavior than the rest of the student body?
  • NC State students in 1936 clearly held themselves to high standards.  Why would students have been so concerned about their public image and that of their football team?  What standards are college athletes held to today?
  • Look back at alumnus Parker Rand's December 7 letter to Dean Harrelson in "The Role of the Coach."  What does this say about the ideal coach? What is an ideal coach like today?
  • Why do you think both students and faculty at NC State felt so strongly about Coach Anderson's morality and his character?
  • Who are your role models today, and why are they your role models?
  • What kind of current issues issue of ethics and integrity impact college football today? 
  • Is there still such a thing as a "southern gentleman?"  What are the characteristics of a 21st century southern gentleman?

Visit other Exhibits in the Under Review: The Anderson-Sermon Controversy and Football's Role on the College Campus.


Questions to Consider