Beyond Winning

NC State alumni H.W. Taylor expressed his admiration for the spirit shown by Davidson football teams and lamented that this same spirit did not exist at NC State.
H.W. Taylor, another NC State alum, had a similar understanding of the situation, although he claimed that a winning football team was not his primary concern: “instead, I am interested in seeing at State College a spirit of athletic harmony and teams that play to the best of their ability.” He observed that “teams from Davidson College have always had my admiration because of their spirit and demonstration of loyalty and cooperation,” even when they did not win. He suggested that “it is my impression that the members of the Davidson teams are mostly native boys and I do believe that helps to make a healthy situation.” Taylor goes on to assure administrators that “I do not object to players from anywhere, but I do think we should have more native boys.”
Taylor never made it clear how he could tell that Davidson had more North Carolinians, or even Southerners, on their teams. Perhaps he judged by the names or appearances of the players, or simply assumed that the Northerners playing for a Southern school would not show the sense of pride and enthusiasm that Davidson players did. Either way, Taylor believed that including more North Carolinians on State’s football team would have positive results for at least two reasons. First, it would strengthen the collective sense of identity of the team itself. Second, it would promote a style of play based on effort and teamwork that alumni could take pride in supporting and identifying with a new generation of students.