Northerners at NC State

Student Hall Morrison strongly disagreed with the proposal that part of the football team's problems stemmed from tension between Southerners and Northerners.
Dean Harrelson agreed with student leader Hall Morrison’s statement that “the type of boy” was more important than where they came from. Morrison went on to say that “I have heard and read right much comment about the Civil War being raged here on the foot-ball team. It is not that at all.” Although Morrison was not a member of the football team, he used his own experiences to illustrate that Northerners and Southerners coexisted peacefully at NC State: “My friend Mr. Matthews is from New Mexico and I room with a boy from Pennsylvania and they are spread very thoroughly through the school.” Morrison did not deny that regional differences existed – he could identify who was from the North and he clearly made distinctions between Northerners and Southerners. What differentiated him from many administrators was that he was not concerned that these players created divisions at NC State or posed a threat to its collective identity.