Browse Items (717 total)
The Discriminated Describe Reality"
I would like to correct his “bottom line” of what discrimination is. It is not, as he states when “someone or some group feels cheated out of their perogatives or insulted by beliefs that don’t agree with theirs.”…
Academics Serious Business for Senior Cornerback Taylor
Now! You Too Can Have Technical Training to Prepare You for a Career in...
Black Men Get Used to Your "Suspect" Status
Last year while walking down Gorman street at night, I was stopped and questioned by Public Safety. The reason was simply because I was a black man. In fact, the officer told me so.
“Son, we had a description come over the radio of a black male.…
"Freedom of What Cost? Join NCSU in Wearing Black to Blackout Racism"
The Technician (Raleigh, NC), January 12, 1923
From "Splinters from the North Carolina Pine":
The restaurant patron was peeved — there were black specks on his grapefruit. But Sambo, the African diplomat, soothed hm.
“Why, boss, dat sho must be dem vitamines wat everyone am talkin’…
Tags: 1920s, Ku Klux Klan, Race, Sambo, Technician
A.F. Greaves-Walker to Dr. Frank Graham, December 7, 1936
A.F. Greaves-Walker to Frank P. Graham, December 7, 1936
Tags: collective identity, football
"The Foundations of the Black Student Movement"
"What if," November 12, 1973
To the Editor: “Open up in there, we demand to see the Chancellor! As members of a minority group we demand an equal voice in Student Affairs.” This is the vocal assertion for equality of a fictional group demonstrating in front of the…
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L. J. Herring to J.W. Harrison, December 10, 1936

L.J. Herring, an NC State alumni, wrote to Dean Harrelson to express his opinion about the football controversy at NC State. Herring felt that the…