Browse Items (717 total)
C.W. Hodges to Dean Harrelson, November 21, 1936
Tags: character, coaches, football, morals, reputation
"SAAC offers black students self identity," September 17, 1973
Tags: SAAC
Letter to Dr. James Maddox from Linda Brieaddy
"Base Selections on Quality, Not Race"
Affirmative action programs seek to provide a larger applicant pool for desirable positions through quality training and recruiting. Once the larger pool is in place, previously disadvantaged minorities have an equal chance for selection. For many…
"Report on Mrs. North Carolina State Contest," January 13, 1964
Tags: beauty pageant, social activities
Put Up or Shut Up
The Dawning of a new day. That’s how many African-Americans see the beginning of this new academic year… the dawning of a new day. With so many changes around the university that affect black people, it is easy [sic.] why some are optimistic…
Black Intellect Outlines Challenges Facing Tomorrow's Leaders
According to Dyson, the future of Black America will require sharp young black people who do not waste their time on triviality. He then went on to explain that the African American leaders of the future will have to be individuals who can speak…
Jolly Knave Integration Try Fails
Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina system, adopted May 23, 1955
The State of North Caroling having spent millions of dollars in providing adequate and equal educational facilities in the undergraduate departments of its institutions of higher learning for…
Tags: UNC
"Senior Class," Agromeck, 1937
Featured Item
Chancellor Carey Bostian to William Rodman, Jr., February 24, 1956

Chancellor Bostian wrote this letter to inform North Carolina Attorney General William Rodman, Jr. that NC State College had received two applications…