Browse Items (717 total)

"Report on Mrs. North Carolina State Contest," January 13, 1964

Brenda Whicker's report on the 1964 Mrs. NC State contest demonstrates the amount of effort and planning that went into the annual beauty pageant. The report thanks volunteers for their assistance with various tasks; names the contestants, finalists,…

"Remedies for American Intolerance"


The David Duke campaign, the Bush inspired quota scare, and of course, the ever popular “anti-PC” movement compromise the current backlash against enlightened thinking. These three seemingly separate events are actually inter-connected in…

"Receipes for Punch," 1962-1963

This set of recipes was used by the Refreshment Committee of State's Mates to prepare punch for meetings and gatherings.

"Racism Not Just White Against Black"


If I didn't know any better, I would swear that my friend, whom I'll refer to as "John," was the long-lost older brother my parents never bothered to tell me about. The fact that we have so much in common and look so much alike is absolutely…

"Racism Emerges at State"


Racism Emerges at State

By Rene Scott

Coming into 1994, many NCSU students were jolted awake from a peaceful Dream with an announcement in the Free-Expression tunnel of an Afrikan-American celebration (Showtime at the Apollo). However, there…

"Racism alive and well," 1973

Racism alive and well, 1973.jpg
An opinion article, "Racism Alive and Well" details the views of the State Sentinel concerning the Society of Afro-American Culture's request for the use of the NC State Print Shop as a cultural center. The article declares that creating separate…


"Quail Roost: Students, administrators see conference differently," February 6, 1974


A weekend conference between black and white student leaders and University Officials has drawn both criticism and praise from those involved. The conference, held at Quail Roose, near Durham, was sponsored by the Department of Student Development to…

"Punks Ruin Free Expression Tunnel"


For generations of students at N.C. State University, the Free Expression Tunnel was a primary venue for announcements and gripes. Service and club athletic organizations, fraternities and academic groups displayed their meeting times and other…

"Promote Racial Equality, Don't Delay It"


In January, we celebrated Martin Luther King's birthday, and it's fitting because he wanted everyone to live in peace and harmony and work together to get rid of such diseases as bigotry and hatred toward people due to race, religion, sex, age and…

"Poor white trash center is needed"


First off, I would like to pledge my support and the support of my organization to the students at UNC-Chapel Hill who want a free-standing black cultural center. As my uncle Ned says, when he’s coherent (which isn’t all that often as he…