Browse Items (717 total)

"Lack of Respect Issue Not Addressed in Editorial"


Recently, Technician published an editorial that explored the issue of what Africans should be called in America. As an African, born in America, I was deeply disappointed with your editorial. In my opinion, it lacked depth and sensitivity.…

"Racism Not Just White Against Black"


If I didn't know any better, I would swear that my friend, whom I'll refer to as "John," was the long-lost older brother my parents never bothered to tell me about. The fact that we have so much in common and look so much alike is absolutely…

"Base Selections on Quality, Not Race"


Affirmative action programs seek to provide a larger applicant pool for desirable positions through quality training and recruiting. Once the larger pool is in place, previously disadvantaged minorities have an equal chance for selection. For many…

"Ku Klux Klan Duke Should Not Win"


On Nov. 16, Louisiana Republicans will vote to determine if David Duke will be their candidate in the next governor’s race. Duke is a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. His stance on white supremacy led him to organize the…

"Remedies for American Intolerance"


The David Duke campaign, the Bush inspired quota scare, and of course, the ever popular “anti-PC” movement compromise the current backlash against enlightened thinking. These three seemingly separate events are actually inter-connected in…

The Discriminated Describe Reality"


I would like to correct his “bottom line” of what discrimination is. It is not, as he states when “someone or some group feels cheated out of their perogatives or insulted by beliefs that don’t agree with theirs.”…

"Promote Racial Equality, Don't Delay It"


In January, we celebrated Martin Luther King's birthday, and it's fitting because he wanted everyone to live in peace and harmony and work together to get rid of such diseases as bigotry and hatred toward people due to race, religion, sex, age and…

Violence Looms in Heat of Summer"


There exists, however, a hard-core group of radical blacks who are of substantial numbers and are very vocal. They don’t want equality but supremacy. They are of the same mold as the Aryan Brotherhood except that their aim is the extermination…

"Punks Ruin Free Expression Tunnel"


For generations of students at N.C. State University, the Free Expression Tunnel was a primary venue for announcements and gripes. Service and club athletic organizations, fraternities and academic groups displayed their meeting times and other…

"Crisp Steps Back, Explains Purpose"


Time out. Let’s regroup and I’ll tell you what this column is about This is a column about the things in our society. By society I refer specifically to the N.C. State community. I could very easily devote the space allotted to me on…