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J. Henry Highsmith to Dr. Frank Graham, December 11, 1936
Superintendent of Public Instruction Highsmith wrote Graham expressing his concern about profanity among college sports, the attitude of coaches, and the educational role athletics should play on campus
Tags: coaches, collegiality, education, football, profanity
Leon E. Cook to Dr. Frank Graham, December 11, 1936
Leon Cook, a Professor of Education at NC State College, wrote Dr. Graham to emphasize the importance that should be placed on coaches' moral character
"Not the Time," October 9, 1936
A student editorial that urges students to remain united in their school spirit and not become divided over the football situation until the season ends
Tags: dissension, football, school spirit, Students
"The Anderson Squabble," December 24, 1936
This newspaper article discusses the Anderson-Sermon controversy, and describes the squabble between those who want to emphasize the athletic and the educational purposes of the school.
Tags: anderson, athletics, education, football, football situation
"Short Judgement," November 13, 1936
This student editorial in The Technician discusses the Graham Plan and says that it needs more time to succeed.
Tags: education, football, Graham Plan
"Go Vague Rumors," October 16, 1936
A student editorial that discusses the rumors about the football program, and argues that students should continue to show school spirit and support the team during the season.
Tags: football, football situation, rumors, school spirit
"Colleges Overlook A Duty," October 9, 1936
A student editorial that argues colleges are responsible for producing good citizens and future leaders, and should thus have citizenship classes
Tags: citizenship, education, football
March of Dimes Poster, ca. late 1950s
This poster shows a woman standing with several children that have been paralyzed as a result of polio, urging people to donate to The March of Dimes.
March of Dimes Carolina's Poster, ca. 1940s
This poster urges citizens of North and South Carolina to join in on the March of Dimes campaign to fund polio research.
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Dr. Frank H. Spain to [Name Redacted], February 15, 1956
![Dr. Frank H. Spain to [Name Redacted], Februrary 15, 1956.jpg Dr. Frank H. Spain to [Name Redacted], Februrary 15, 1956.jpg](
Assistant Director of Admissions at North Carolina State College, Frank H. Spain sent this letter to a perspective African American student to inform…