Browse Items (717 total)

"Mrs. NCSU Crowned," November 18, 1968

In this article from the Technician, Mary Porterfield covers the Mrs. NCSU pageant but highlights the lack of an audience at the event; she suggests having a Miss NCSU pageant would attract more attendees.

"Black or African-American"


Technician is deciding on the journalistic use of the term black as opposed to the term African-American. The debate stems from the fact that there seems to be a growing trend toward using African-American. However, this term is not as accurate as…

"Technician Not Racist"


Technician, in response to recent allegations of racism, would like to explain how newspapers operate. We hope this will clear up any misunderstandings and answer any accusations of purposeful bias. Newspapers subscribe to a code of ethics that…

The N.E.T.W.O.R.K.: The Network for Empowerment Through Women Organized to Redefine Knowledge. Sponsored by: The Women's Center at North Carolina State University

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The N.E.T.W.O.R.K's mission reflected NCSU's changing attitudes of female students in the 1990s. The Women's Center provided a network of "role models for the women students at North Carolina State University through a mentoring progam." The…

"Betty Marcum Named 'Mrs. NC State,'" January 13, 1968

This article from The Technician discusses the winner of the 1965 Mrs. NC State pageant, Betty Marcum.

"Mrs. NC State Now Being Chosen," January 8, 1965

This article from The Technician discusses the upcoming 1965 Mrs. NC State pageant.

"Black Panther Convention, Lincoln Memorial"

"Photograph showing a man on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial holding a banner for the Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention; statue of Lincoln in the background."

The Declaration of Indepedence

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The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. Jefferson was a member of a five group committee within Continental Congress tasked with creating a declaration and justification of colonial independence.

Dr. Lawrence M. Clark

Dr. Lawrence M. Clark was instrumental in the implementation of all affirmative action and equal employment opportunity initiatives on NC State's campus. Dr. Clark worked in the Office of the Provost from 1974 to 1995.

Hillsborough in the 1970s

This image, taken in the 1970s by Tom Olsen, reveals the plethora of establishments available for NCSU students. Black students were constantly aware of what establishments were safest and most welcoming to minorities.