Memorandum of William Friday to University of North Carolina Faculty and Staff, May 23, 1978
Memorandum of William Friday to University of North Carolina Faculty and Staff, May 23, 1978
William Friday's letter to the faculty and staff of the University of North Carolina school system addressed the second attempt for the universities to eliminate racial duality. The university system was working with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to enact Affirmative Action. University systems across the Nation, especially in the South, were acknowledging their past legacies of racial segregation and were working with HEW (Department of Health, Education, and Welfare). This primary source provides the historical background for all of the Annual Reports post Affirmative Action implementation. NCSU's and the School of Agriculture and Life Science's compliance with Affirmative Action indicate the willingness of the School to expand its definition of education empowerment to include minorities.
William Friday
"Memorandum of William Friday to University of North Carolina Faculty and Staff, May 23, 1978," North Carolina State University Libraries, Affirmative Action Records, 1972-1979, UA 012.061.1, Special Collections Research Center, North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh, NC.
Raleigh, North Carolina
The excerpted transcription highlights the basic goals on page 2. See PDF for full document.
p. 2:
"That plan and related policies and actions of the Board of Governors, had these basic goals:
-- Increase the numbers of students who can attend The University, enhance the quality of their educational experiences, and provide that education as inexpensively as possible.
-- Increase the number of black high school graduates who go to college, so that differences in respective going rates for black and white high school graduates might be further reduced and ultimately eliminated.
--Achieve more extensive racial integration of the student bodies of all of our public institutions of higher education.
--Improve the quality and range of educational opportunities available to all students at institutions which traditionally have served a predominantly black constituency."
p. 2:
"That plan and related policies and actions of the Board of Governors, had these basic goals:
-- Increase the numbers of students who can attend The University, enhance the quality of their educational experiences, and provide that education as inexpensively as possible.
-- Increase the number of black high school graduates who go to college, so that differences in respective going rates for black and white high school graduates might be further reduced and ultimately eliminated.
--Achieve more extensive racial integration of the student bodies of all of our public institutions of higher education.
--Improve the quality and range of educational opportunities available to all students at institutions which traditionally have served a predominantly black constituency."
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William Friday, “Memorandum of William Friday to University of North Carolina Faculty and Staff, May 23, 1978,” The State of History, accessed March 13, 2025,