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Federal, Professors, and Students documents related to USDA Research Apprenticeship Program, 1981.


The excerpted transcription is a collaboration of student evaluation answers to questions provided by the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences in 1981. This transcription allows researchers to easily view the data. See PDF for full document. 1.…

Federal, Professors, and Students documents related to USDA Research Apprenticeship Program, 1982.


Excerpt from page 13 of collection. Please see PDF for full transcript."Program Outcomes Perceived Career Influence. Asked to assess whether the program affected their career planning in any of seven areas, most apprentices reported being influenced…

Federal, Professors, and Students documents related to USDA Research Apprenticeship Program, 1983.


Excerpt from page 4 of collection. Please see PDF for full text: "1983 USDA Research Apprenticeship Program Fact Sheet 1. What is the USDA Research Apprenticeship Program?A program through which high school students gain first hand experience in…

Female Enrollment in the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences

UA100.2.6 Annual Report 1975 15-06-08-077.pdf
This page is an excerpt from the School of Agriculture and Life Science's 1975 Annual Report. The faculty focused on the increased presence of women in the undergraduate, graduate, and Agricultural Institute programs. Table I illustrates the amount…

Find Problems Says Greenlaw

Dr. Ralph Greenlaw, the second chairman of the Good Neighbor Council, expanded the organization's vision. As a member of the Raleigh Community Relations Committee, Greenlaw insisted upon greater contact and collaboration with the Mayor's office…

Finger-wheel Rake Development

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This file contains an article about the development and uses of a draft-powered sweet potato de-viner.

First African Americans to receive full football scholarships.

Willie Burden.jpg
Willie Burden and Charlie Young are the first African Americans to receive full football scholarships at North Carolina State University.

First Annual Catalogue of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Raleigh, N.C.

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This document is the catalogue for the first school year at NC State in 1890. It contains a statement of purpose for the university, a list of enrolled students, as well as information about courses, departments, tuition, and room and board.