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  • Tags: profanity

"Morale or Morality," October 16, 1936

A student editorial in response to Dr. Poteat's statement that NC State students' morals are low; the article emphasizes the negative influence of profanity on campus

Parker Rand to Dean Harrelson, December 7, 1936

Alumnus Parker Rand wrote to Dr. Graham about the football situation at NC State and expectations of football coaches.

Testimony of Miss Bea Rowe, December 18, 1936

By Dean Cloyd:
Have remarks been made in your hearing as you have passed the Seventh Dormitory by students which caused you embarrassment and made it hard for you to go back and forth to your office?
By Miss Rowe:
Several times when I passed…

J. Henry Highsmith to Dr. Frank Graham, December 11, 1936

Superintendent of Public Instruction Highsmith wrote Graham expressing his concern about profanity among college sports, the attitude of coaches, and the educational role athletics should play on campus