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- Collection: Agricultural Empowerment in Academics, Research, and Extension
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North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts freshman class posing with agricultural machinery, 1909
This photograph depicts the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts freshman class of 1909 posting with agricultural machinery. The class is composed of all white males, which proves that NCC A&M catered to the educational advancement…
North Carolina State University at Raleigh Women's Handbook 1965-1966
The Woman's Campus Code Board (WCCB) prepared a booklet for incoming female student class of 1965-1966 at North Carolina State University. The guide list's information about: Erdahl-Cloyd Union activities for students; Angel Flight, an organization…
Now! You Too Can Have Technical Training to Prepare You for a Career in...
This informational pamphlet informs high school students about the career opportunites made possible with an Associate's degree from the Agricultural Institute. Students could choose from the followiing majors: Farm Equipment Sales and Service, Field…
Opportunities for Minorities: Graduate Studies at North Carolina State University
This pamphlet informs minorities of various graduate school information: degrees offered; requirements for admission to the graduate school; University Policy; Tuition and Fees (Per Semester); Special Financial Assistance; Minority Presence…
Peach School
This folder contains the program for the 1949 Sandhills Peach School hosted by North Carolina State University. The folder also contains parts of presentations given at the event.
Tags: agriculture, industrialization, peaches
Peanut Production in North Carolina
This bulletin appears in the 1942 Extension Circular. It discusses the demand to increase peanut production to provide oil for the war effort. It gives cultural advice to peanut farmers to help increase their yield.
Tags: agriculture, peanuts, WWII
People tying hands of tobacco leaves for curing, 1940
This black and white photograph shows African-American women preparing and processing tobacco by hand, a method that is rarely used today.
Philip Morris Scholarship Winners
This photograph depicts the winners of the Philip Morris Scholarship. Notice there are two white women recepients.
Phillip Morris Scholarship Winners, circa 1970-1979
This overhead photograph shows NC State agricultural student scholars touring a tobacco factory. While the majority of winners are white males, some scholarship recipients were African American women and white women.
Report Hits NCSU for Ag Research
This is an article from the June 8, 1972 Technician. It discusses a report that accuses land grand colleges of neglecting small farmers in favor of corporate interests. The issue also contains two articles that refute the claims in this report.
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Joseph Califano

Joseph Califano served as the Secretary of the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) from 1977 to 1979. In this interview,…