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What is a Primary Source? A How-To Guide for High School Students

Traditional Lesson Plan – Primary Sources.pdf
This lesson plan teaches high school students how to identify, analyze, and interpret primary sources such as textual documents, media, and oral histories. Teachers can use the lesson plan with primary sources of their choosing.

What the Media Doesn't Tell You about MLK

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After the programs and specials have ended, it seems as though the life of the great Dr. King has been squeezed into a one to two hour television show, revealing nothing of the true essence of the distinguished civil rights leader. Although it’s…

What's the Biggest Problem Facing NCSU's Blacks Today?

This newspaper article in a special edition of The Technician interviewed black NCSU students on what challenges they face at the university. 

Why African-Americans MUST Vote on November 7

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The latest breed of black Republicans are quick to document the Democractic Party’s historical negligence of the African-American people. Obvious history-enthusiasts they proclaim the Republican Party’s strong commitment to minority issues,…

Willa Rae Bowen to State's Mates, March 22, 1956

Bowen wrote this letter to State's Mates to inquire about the happiness of college marriages and the problems that student wives had to tackle, as research for a panel on college marriages.

William Friday
William “Bill” Friday served as president of the UNC system from 1957-1986. Friday has 25 interviews as part of the Southern Oral History Program. In this interview, he discusses the UNC system’s interaction with HEW. Friday suggests the HEW…


William Friday (part 2)
William “Bill” Friday served as president of the UNC system from 1957-1986. Friday has 25 interviews as part of the Southern Oral History Program. In this interview, Friday talks about being very involved in the Vet School debate and the problem…


William Friday Interview (Learning Activity)

William Friday.jpg
William “Bill” Friday served as president of the UNC system from 1957-1986. Friday has 25 interviews as part of the Southern Oral History Program. The following excerpts are taken from a 1991 interview, where Friday discusses the UNC systems…

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William Rodman, Jr. to Chancellor Carey Bostian, February 28, 1956

William Rodman, Jr. to Chancellor Carey Bostian, February 28, 1956.jpg
In this letter, Attorney General Rodman advised Chancellor Bostian not to take any further action regarding the applications of African American students. Athough a lower court had ordered the admission of three students to UNC-Chapel Hill, the…

William Rodman, Jr. to Chancellor Carey Bostian, March 29, 1956

William Rodman, Jr. to Chancellor Carey Bostian, March 29, 1956.jpg
In this letter, Attorney General Rodman acknowleged that he had received a letter from Chancellor Bostian. He also demonstrated his support for keeping North Carolina schools segregated, telling Bostian that he hoped State College's faculty were…