Browse Items (717 total)

Letter from William C. Grant and Edwina W. Thompson to Chancellor Bruce Poulton Regarding Black Faculty and Professional Staff Recommendations and Concerns

The Black Faculty and Professional Staff campus group wrote a letter of welcome to the new chancellor, Dr. Bruce Poulton, and outlined their concerns and needs of the university. The group was particularly concerned with two issues: the duality of…

Memorandum of William Friday to University of North Carolina Faculty and Staff, May 23, 1978

UA12.61.1 Bill Friday memorandum affirmative action .pdf

The excerpted transcription highlights the basic goals on page 2. See PDF for full document. p. 2: "That plan and related policies and actions of the Board of Governors, had these basic goals: -- Increase the numbers of students who can attend The…

Memorandum by William Friday, March 1, 1956

Memorandum from William Friday, March 1, 1956.jpg
In this memo, dated March 1, 1956, Friday addressed Chancellor Bostian's concerns about processing the applications of African American students. Friday stated that, as per North Carolina Attorney General William Rodman's instructions, any African…


Memorandum by William Friday, May 15, 1956

Memorandum from William Friday, May 15, 1956.jpg
In this letter, Friday instructed the Chancellors of the Consolidated University of North Carolina system that they should begin processing applications submitted by African American students.


Memorandum by William Friday, August 5, 1981

Memorandum by William Friday, Aug. 5, 1981.pdf
William Friday outlined the requirements of the consent decree in a memo to all the Chancellors of the UNC system. In the memo he highlighted the need to increase enrollment of black students and further develop historically black colleges and…


Bulk Curing Simplifies Tobacco Mechanization, Paper No. 59-311, 1959.

This report from the 1959 Annual Meeting for the American Society of Agricultural Engineers claims bulk curing simplifies tobacco mechanization.

William Rodman, Jr. to Chancellor Carey Bostian, February 28, 1956

William Rodman, Jr. to Chancellor Carey Bostian, February 28, 1956.jpg
In this letter, Attorney General Rodman advised Chancellor Bostian not to take any further action regarding the applications of African American students. Athough a lower court had ordered the admission of three students to UNC-Chapel Hill, the…

NCSU Athletic Director Willis Casey and Affirmative Action


I would like to request that you waive affirmative action rules for several assistant football coaches. As you know, we have just hired a new football coach, and he will be interviewing and hiring several assistant coaches. We do not have the usual…

NCSU Athletic Director Willis Casey to Affirmative Action Officer Lawrence Clark


I would like to request that you waive all affirmative action procedures for us to hire eight (8) assistant football coaches. As you are well aware, we do not have the time to follow all of these affirmative action rules in this case since we need to…

"What Is the Purpose of Education?"

Education Purpose Infographic.pdf
This infographic from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) explores the changing opinions about the purpose of education throughout the twentieth century by using quotes from various people during the times in question.