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1982 USDA Minority Research Apprentices.

This photograph shows the African American apprentices of the 1982 USDA Minority Research Apprenticeship program. They are standing next to a faculty member, most likely Dr. H. B. Craig.

Federal, Professors, and Students documents related to USDA Research Apprenticeship Program, 1983.


Excerpt from page 4 of collection. Please see PDF for full text: "1983 USDA Research Apprenticeship Program Fact Sheet 1. What is the USDA Research Apprenticeship Program?A program through which high school students gain first hand experience in…

1983 USDA Minority Research Apprentices.

This photograph shows the African American apprentices of the 1983 USDA Minority Research Apprenticeship program. They are standing next to faculty members of the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Graham Praises Farm Institute

UA100.40.4 1970-1971.pdf

"Graham Praises Farm Institute: The Agricultural Institute of N.C. State University, which offeres a two-year terminal course in several major fields of agriculture and farm-related business, is 'filling a real need' in the state, Agriculture…

"Apple Pest Control School"

ua100_025-004-bx0018-004-000- Apple Pest Control School Program.pdf
This folder contains information about the 1949 Apple Pest Control Schools hosted by NC State University in the North Carolina Mountains. The folder contains announcements for the schools, rosters for the schools, a program of events, as well as some…

Peanut Production in North Carolina

Wartime Peanut Production.jpg
This bulletin appears in the 1942 Extension Circular. It discusses the demand to increase peanut production to provide oil for the war effort. It gives cultural advice to peanut farmers to help increase their yield.

Rural Housing Survey Results, 1938-1940

This folder contains the responses of several rural North Carolina residents concerning the rural housing problem.

Rural Home Electrification Project- Guilford County

rural electrification.jpg
This is an image of a home in rural Guilford County that has just been set up for electricity.

Electric Sweet Potato Bed

Electric Sweet Potato Bed.jpg
Photograph of an experimental electric sweet potato bed used for curing sweet potatoes.

Spraying Peaches with Spray Guns at Mt. Airy Orchard

peach spray with mules.jpg
In this photograph, men are spraying peach trees with some type of pesticide from a tank located in the back of a wagon being pulled by a mule.