Browse Items (717 total)

Projects Committee Minutes, November 14, 1963

The minutes from the Projects Committee meeting where they discussed service project possibilities for the year and unanimously voted on helping at the Methodist Home for Children.


Projects Committee Minutes, November 16, 1963

The minutes from the Projects Committee meeting where they discussed taking on work with the library, including helping run the front desk and making drapes for the library's windows.


Projects committee report, 1967-1968

The report outlines the activities done at the Westhaven Rest Home, the civic project the members of States Mates chose for the year.


Put Up or Shut Up

11 nubian_message-09-07-2000_0007.pdf

The Dawning of a new day. That’s how many African-Americans see the beginning of this new academic year… the dawning of a new day. With so many changes around the university that affect black people, it is easy [sic.] why some are optimistic…

Quail Roost Curriculum, December 9, 1974

Quail Roost Curriculum, December 9, 1974.pdf
This September 12, 1974 report detailed the curriculum for the 1975 race relations seminar at the Quail Roost conference center. Conducted by Urban Crisis, this conference was for university administrators only.

Racism in Employment at NCSU--Patterns and Prospects

In 1971, the Good Neighbor Council's Committee on Institutional Racism produced a report outlining the evidence they found of NC State's institutional racism in its employment practices. The first four pages of the report outline the major problem…

Radical Student Leftists: Dreamers or Workers?

ThisTechnicianarticle comments on the disillusionment of student leftists and radicals in connection with Choice '68, a National Collegiate Presidential Primary financed byTimeMagazine.


Raleigh YMCA Building, 1960

Raleigh erected its first permanent YMCA building in 1913 on the corner of Wilmington and Edenton Streets. The Y sold its aging facility in 1959 and erected a new modernist structure on 1601 Hillsborough Street---mere blocks from the NCSU campus. The…

Raymond Dawson

Raymond Dawson became the Vice-President of Academic Affairs for the University of North Carolina during the 1970s. Raymond Dawson has seven interviews, which are available through the Southern Oral History Program. In this interview, he talks about…


Recent Events Concerning the Workers

The Physical Plant employees received support from a number of campus groups during the protests in the spring of 1969. One of the students groups that showed significant support simply called themselves "The Group." They were prodimently white…