Browse Items (717 total)

Woman in the Corner, March 1960

This is a photograph of one State's Mates member at the Shady Ladies Tearoom.

Cigarette Girls Step High, 1957-1958

This photograph shows State's Mates members selling cigarettes at State College's carnival night.

"Just Needs Luck Writes Ed Camp," September 16, 1936

An article from the Technician, NC State's student newspaper, offered a preview of the upcoming football season and illustrated that most of the team's top players were from the North.

"Boston College to Furnish Opposition For Tech Eleven," November 6, 1936

This Technician article offered a preview of an upcoming NC State football game against Boston College. The authors hoped that the game would give NC State the opportunity to avenge an earlier loss against Manhattan, another team from the North.

"Unconsolidate 'Em," 1937

An article from a North Carolina newspaper discussed the rivalry between State College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and how it clashed with the goals of the recently consolidated state university system.

Dr. Frank Graham, 1935

A photo of University of North Carolina President Dr. Frank Graham the year before the football controversy at NC State

David Clark, 1940

A photo of influential alumnus David Clark shortly after the football controversy

"State Alumni Here Condemn Hunk Anderson's Dismissal," December 1936

An article from a North Carolina newspaper that makes evident the large alumni response to Graham's dismissal of Anderson and Clark's role as representative of the alumni.

"Chancellor John T. Caldwell posing with North Carolina State University student government officials at Memorial Bell Tower," 1969

Chancellor John T. Caldwell posing with North Carolina State University student government officials at Memorial Bell Tower, 1969.jpg
Photograph of Chancellor John Tyler Caldwell, second from right, posing with student leaders in front of the NCSU Memorial Tower. Eric Moore, then-president of the Society of Afro-American Culture, stands to the left of Caldwell.

"Carey H. Bostian sitting at his desk," 1960

Carey H. Hostian sitting at his desk, 1960.jpg
Photograph of former NC State Chancellor Carey Hoyt Bostian. Bostian served as NC State's chancellor from 1953-1959. When Bostian retired from the chancellorship in 1959, he continued teaching at NC State until 1973. This photograph is dated 1960.