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"A Statement of Support to the Non-Academic Workers by the Society of Afro-American Culture," March 18, 1969

\"A Statement of Support to the Non-Academic Workers by the Society of Afro-American Culture,\" March 18, 1969.jpg
Signed by Dupree Simmons, the public relations coordinator of the Society of Afro-American Culture, this March 18, 1969 statement of support argued that NC State undervalued its non-academic African American workers. In the statement, SAAC called for…


No Blacks on Campus, ca. 1972

\"No Blacks on Campus,\" ca 1972.jpg
The newsletter of the Society of Afro-American culture allowed students to share essays and poetry specific to African American campus life. This ca. 1972 editorial by member Karaan Rabu appeared in the newsletter, and encouraged black NC State…

Society of Afro-American Culture to Dean Banks Talley, November, 22, 1971

Society of Afro-American Culture to Dean Banks Talley, November 22, 1971.pdf
This letter from the Society of Afro-American Culture to Dean Banks Talley outlines African American students' critiques of university hiring practices, a lack of African American representation on campus committees, and low African American…


SAAC Black Orientation Form Letter, August 10, 1971

SAAC Black Orientation Form Letter, August 10, 1971.jpg
Signed by Arthur Lee, chairman of the Society of Afro-American Culture, this form letter welcomes African American students to NC State for a "Black Orientation program."


Charter Members of the Society of Afro-American Culture, 1968

Charter Members of the Society of Afro-American Culture, 1968.jpg
Sixty-three students founded the Society of Afro-American Culture at NC State in 1968. This document list the names of the charter members.


Constitution of the Society of Afro-American Culture, 1968

Constitution of the Society of Afro-American Culture, 1968.pdf
Founded in 1968, the Society of Afro-American Culture was a student led organization endorsed by NC State. The constitution defines the purpose of the organization and outlines its structure and administrative duties. (4 pages)

"HEW backed off Vet School," October 3, 1975

HEW backed off Vet School, Shirley Elder.pdf
After a meeting between representatives of the UNC system and the department of HEW on Oct. 3, 1975, the HEW officials agreed to stop threatening federal funds and allow the vet school to be located at NCSU.


Forward Together, Annual Report 1950-1956, School of Agriculture, North Carolina State University

UA100.2.18 annual report 1950-56.pdf

The following exceprt comes from page 33 of the 1950 report (page 2 of PDF). See PDF for full document."Inside the ClassroomState College normally has about 4,200 students enrolled each year. But less than 100 are women. Two other units of the…

Phillip Morris Scholarship Winners, circa 1970-1979

Phillip Morris scholarship UA023.006.1 folder 5.pdf
This overhead photograph shows NC State agricultural student scholars touring a tobacco factory. While the majority of winners are white males, some scholarship recipients were African American women and white women.

Research Apprentices in the Field, 1981.

USDA 1981 UA 100.40.6.pdf
These two pictures show the African American Research Apprentices in the field for their summer study. The students are interacting with farmers and potentially farming families or faculty.