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March of Dimes Certificate, December 10, ca. 1971
This certificate was awarded to State's Mates as a result of their contributions to the March of Dimes; the same certificate was also awarded on May 5, 1974.
Tags: civic
Letter from the March of Dimes Foundation, ca. 1972
This letter thanks the State's Mates for their participation in the 1972 March of Dimes campaign.
Tags: civic
Membership card for Wake County Chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, ca. 1972
This membership card proves that State's Mates was involved with the Wake County Chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in 1972.
Tags: civic
Letter from the March of Dimes Foundation, ca. 1972
This letter from the March of Dimes highlights their contribution of $38.45 to the foundation but more personalized in 1972.
Tags: civic
Notes on Possible Areas of help at Wake County Detention Home, Autumn 1960
This bulletin lists the needs of the Wake County Detention Home, which was State's Mates annual project in 1960.
Tags: civic
Report to the Board, November 14, 1960
This report chronicles a State's Mates visit to the Wake County Detention home in November, 1960.
Tags: civic
Report of Projects Committee, October 10, 1960
This report outlines possible annual projects for State's Mates in the inaugural year of the Projects Committee.
Tags: civic
March of Dimes Carolina's Poster, ca. 1940s
This poster urges citizens of North and South Carolina to join in on the March of Dimes campaign to fund polio research.
March of Dimes Poster, ca. late 1950s
This poster shows a woman standing with several children that have been paralyzed as a result of polio, urging people to donate to The March of Dimes.
"Colleges Overlook A Duty," October 9, 1936
A student editorial that argues colleges are responsible for producing good citizens and future leaders, and should thus have citizenship classes
Tags: citizenship, education, football
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Peter Holmes to Governor James Holshouser, November 13, 1973
Letter From Peter Holmes, Office of Civil Rights Director, to NC Governor rejecting UNC system