Browse Items (717 total)
"Quail Roost: Students, administrators see conference differently," February 6, 1974
A weekend conference between black and white student leaders and University Officials has drawn both criticism and praise from those involved. The conference, held at Quail Roose, near Durham, was sponsored by the Department of Student Development to…
Tags: Administration, African American, Quail Roost, SAAC
"Racism alive and well," 1973
Tags: SAAC
"Racism Emerges at State"
Racism Emerges at State
By Rene Scott
Coming into 1994, many NCSU students were jolted awake from a peaceful Dream with an announcement in the Free-Expression tunnel of an Afrikan-American celebration (Showtime at the Apollo). However, there…
"Racism Not Just White Against Black"
If I didn't know any better, I would swear that my friend, whom I'll refer to as "John," was the long-lost older brother my parents never bothered to tell me about. The fact that we have so much in common and look so much alike is absolutely…
"Receipes for Punch," 1962-1963
"Remedies for American Intolerance"
The David Duke campaign, the Bush inspired quota scare, and of course, the ever popular “anti-PC” movement compromise the current backlash against enlightened thinking. These three seemingly separate events are actually inter-connected in…
"Report on Mrs. North Carolina State Contest," January 13, 1964
Tags: beauty pageant, social activities
"Report on Mrs. North Carolina State Contest," January 1964
Tags: beauty pageant, social activities
"Request met: Talley gives black students first floor Print Shop," March 13, 1974
The decision to allow black students access to the first floor of the print shop for the development of a cultural center was made official Monday in a letter from Banks C. Talley, Dean of Student Affairs. The letter addressed to Don Bell, president…
Tags: Administration, African American, SAAC
"SAAC demands," February 13, 1974
Tags: SAAC
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Ph.T. Degree

The Good Wife Diploma, also known as the "Putting Hubby Through Degree," was issued to the wives of graduating senors at North Carolina State. The…