Browse Items (717 total)
"Chancellor John Harrelson," 1953
Tags: Administration
"Quail Roost: Students, administrators see conference differently," February 6, 1974
A weekend conference between black and white student leaders and University Officials has drawn both criticism and praise from those involved. The conference, held at Quail Roose, near Durham, was sponsored by the Department of Student Development to…
Tags: Administration, African American, Quail Roost, SAAC
"Request met: Talley gives black students first floor Print Shop," March 13, 1974
The decision to allow black students access to the first floor of the print shop for the development of a cultural center was made official Monday in a letter from Banks C. Talley, Dean of Student Affairs. The letter addressed to Don Bell, president…
Tags: Administration, African American, SAAC
Correspondence Between President Linda Sherrill and Chancellor Caldwell, October 11, 1961
Tags: civic
Correspondence Between Hudson-Belk and Secretary Mary Younger, March 28, 1961
Tags: civic
Correspondence Between Secretary Mary Young and the Hilltop Home, May 19, 1960
Tags: civic
Correspondence Between Hilltop Home and State's Mates, May 25, 1960
Tags: civic
Meeting Minutes, February 11, 1971
Tags: civic
Wagg'n Tongue Projects Committee Excerpt, January, 1971
Tags: civic, newsletter, Wagg'n Tongue
March of Dimes Certificate, February 16, 1971
Tags: civic
Featured Item
"Mrs. NC State To Be Chosen Monday Night," ca. 1964

This newspaper article announced the date and time for the Mrs. NC State contest.