Browse Items (717 total)

Horticulture class in greenhouse

This photograph depicts a white female and two white male students analyzing a plant in an NC State greenhouse.

Philip Morris Scholarship Winners

This photograph depicts the winners of the Philip Morris Scholarship. Notice there are two white women recepients.

North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts freshman class posing with agricultural machinery, 1909

This photograph depicts the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts freshman class of 1909 posting with agricultural machinery. The class is composed of all white males, which proves that NCC A&M catered to the educational advancement…

Now! You Too Can Have Technical Training to Prepare You for a Career in...

UA 100.040 Half Box 7 -2.pdf
This informational pamphlet informs high school students about the career opportunites made possible with an Associate's degree from the Agricultural Institute. Students could choose from the followiing majors: Farm Equipment Sales and Service, Field…

Leonidas L. Polk

A portrait of Leonidas L. Polk. He was instrumental in the creation of North Carolina State University.

Vietnam Moratorium Brochure

LRHJr_March On Washington_MC94.1.3_6.pdf
This brochure for the Vietnam Moratorium displays dates for New Mobe's March on Washington.

NC State and the City

This image, taken in 2004, reveals both the proximity of NC State to Downtown Raleigh and the tremendous growth Raleigh has experienced in the past 50 years.

"Planting Tobacco"

This is a black and white photograph of men transplanting tobacco seedlings in a field.

Tobacco transplanter

A black and white photograph of African-American farmers using a tractor and modern machinery to mechanize the tobacco transplanting process.