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Annual Report for 1957-58 Instruction, School of Agriculture

UA100.2.1 annual report 1957-58.pdf

The following transcription excerpt come from page 5. See PDF for full text."VI. GREATER EMPHASIS ON GUIDANCE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. The School of Agriculture has given much more attention to providing high school students and people who influence…

"Promote Racial Equality, Don't Delay It"


In January, we celebrated Martin Luther King's birthday, and it's fitting because he wanted everyone to live in peace and harmony and work together to get rid of such diseases as bigotry and hatred toward people due to race, religion, sex, age and…

"Tips For Happy 'Survival' in Raleigh," n. d.

This document offered tips about everyday needs to women who were new to the Raleigh area, including where to shop, points of interest, and where to go for health needs. It was compiled by the Graduate Dames, the women's organization for wives of…

Gordon Gunter to Chancellor Caldwell



I read your article in the summer issue of Phi Kappa Phi.

I began a long time ago. My father was Mr. Atticus I, I always said.

But Martin Luther King went astray after doing some goods things in Birmingham. He advocated non-observance…

Memorandum by Consolidated University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray, June 3, 1955

Memorandum from Consolidated University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray, June 3, 1955.jpg.pdf
In this memo dated June 3, 1955 Gordon Gray, president of the Consolidated University of North Carolina system, requested the presidents of each of the three UNC schools review a draft of a form letter to African American students. The form letter…


"Why the Nubian?"


Why the Nubian?

By Glenn French

Why do we need "The Nubian Message" in addition to the "Technician"? It's a matter of perspective. "The Nubian Message" is a newspaper that is from an Afrikan-American point of view. This perspective is reflected…

Piece of the Berlin Wall

photo 1.JPG
This is a piece of the Berlin Wall taken from the West German side in 1989. It serves as an important reminder of the political and physical power that separated families and kept people under an authoritarian government.The Berlin Wall remains one…

HEW Charges Discrimination

In 1970, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) charged the Consolidated University of North Carolina with racial and gender discrimination in a number of administrative areas. Their chargesled to a ten-year negotiation between the…

"Afro-Americans represented at International Fair," 1969

\"Afro-Americans Represented at International Fair,\" 1969.jpg
This February 12, 1969, Technician article details the Society of Afro-American Culture's protest of the South African booth at the NC State International Fair.


"Harrison criticizes black leadership," November 5, 1973


Distrust between black and white student leaders on campus is increasing, according to Brenda Harrison, University Student Center president. Events came to head last Thursday afternoon when 50 black students attended the Chancellor’s liaison…