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Peach School

This folder contains the program for the 1949 Sandhills Peach School hosted by North Carolina State University. The folder also contains parts of presentations given at the event.

Spraying on Apple Research Laboratory- Wilkes County, May 1940

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This photograph shows two men spraying pesticides on the apple orchards at the Agricultural Experiment Station in Wilkes County.

What the Media Doesn't Tell You about MLK

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After the programs and specials have ended, it seems as though the life of the great Dr. King has been squeezed into a one to two hour television show, revealing nothing of the true essence of the distinguished civil rights leader. Although it’s…

Our Forgotten Kings

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This past week marked the 13th celebration of the national holiday created to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In cities across the nation, activities such as festivals, oratorical contests, plays, marches, and discussion panels…

The Afrikan American Engineer in the 21st Century: A Burden Challenge and Opportunity

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Existing as an Afrikan American engineer in the next century will present many burdens, challenges and opportunities for the eager souls willing to accept them. In the 21st century, Afrikan American engineers should play a demonstrative role in…

Black Intellect Outlines Challenges Facing Tomorrow's Leaders

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According to Dyson, the future of Black America will require sharp young black people who do not waste their time on triviality. He then went on to explain that the African American leaders of the future will have to be individuals who can speak…

An Essay to Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America

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What “burns me up” as my granny use to say is listening to historians like Duke University’s John Hope Franklin giving thoughtless advice to President William Jefferson Clinton that Clinton should not apologize for slavery. Yes, for the last…

It's Hard Being Black

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It’s hard being black. No matter how much we perceive things as getting better, they’re really not. I’m tired of being followed in the store by people who assume that I will steal if I am not watched closely. Well, I don’t need to steal…