Browse Items (717 total)

Chancellor John Harrelson to [Name Redacted], August 31, 1953

Chancellor John Harrelson to [Name Redacted], August 31, 1953.jpg
In his response to a letter from [name redacted] regarding his son, Chancellor Harrelson explained that it was against University policy to accept African American undergraduate students.

"Mrs. Miller is Contest[...]

Joe Hill's article (probably from The Technician) discusses not only the winner of the 1967 pageant, Paula Miller, but also the pageant itself. Hill criticizes the pageant for its lack of a swim suit competition, but praises its patriotic sentiment.

"Most Students Support Exhibit," 1969

Most Students Support Exhibit, 1969.pdf
This February 12, 1969, article from The Technician newspaper describes NC State student reaction to the Society of Afro-American Culture's protest against the Union of South Africa booth at the International Fair. Opinion is divided, though the…

Defensive Violence is Justified

Dr. Howard Fuller was first introduced to the Civil Rights Movement in North Carolina as a member of the Urban league and community organizer. In the late 1960s, Fuller participated in the Black Power movement and founded the Malcolm X Liberation…

"Talley considering print shop question," February 13, 1974

This February 13, 1974 Technician article by Jeff Watkins discussed Dean Banks Talley's commitment to consider allocating the Print Shop to the Society of Afro-American Culture to use as a cultural center following a letter he received from the…

"Students urge SAAC support," February 11, 1974


Seven of the nine white students who attended the Quail Roost conference last weekend have signed a letter supporting the Society of Afro-American Culture (SAAC) in its efforts to obtain the first floor of the Print Shop for office space and a…


"Black, white leaders set weekend meeting," January 30, 1974


Student leaders and members of the faculty and administration will attend the Student Affairs of Human Relations Conference at Quail Roost this weekend. The goals of the conference are to discuss problem areas between black and white students and to…

"Cultural Center Divides the Races"


What a bunch of terrorists the Black Awareness Council at Carolina are. They demand a “Free-standing African-American Cultural Center.” They charged into the Chancellor’s office with their demands and held everyone hostage by…

"Request met: Talley gives black students first floor Print Shop," March 13, 1974


The decision to allow black students access to the first floor of the print shop for the development of a cultural center was made official Monday in a letter from Banks C. Talley, Dean of Student Affairs. The letter addressed to Don Bell, president…

Civil Rights Declaration Approved by S.G. Thursday

NC State students reacted to the Woolworth’s lunch counter sit-in at Greensboro in 1960, when the Student Government called for the integration of surrounding Raleigh landlords and public facilities.
