Browse Items (717 total)

Cathy Sterling and students at demonstration

Cathy Sterling leads students in a peaceful protest

Cathy Sterling and students at demonstration

Cathy Sterling leading students at a demonstration

Cathy Sterling and students at demonstration on NCSU Brickyard

Cathy Sterling and students at demonstration on NCSU Brickyard

Cathy Sterling at demonstration

Cathy Sterling gives speech to students at a demonstration in the University Plaza (Brickyard)

Cathy Sterling beside car

Cathy Sterling speaks into megaphone attached to car in the Brickyard

Chancellor Carey Bostian to [Name Redacted], November 4, 1954

Chancellor Carey Bostian to [Name Redacted], November 4, 1954.jpg
In this letter, Chancellor Bostian informed an inquiring student that NC State College did not accept African Americans into its undergraduate programs and that this policy was unlikely to change during the next school year. Bostian recommended that…

Chancellor Carey Bostian to University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray, June 6, 1955

Chancellor Carey Bostian to University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray, June 6, 1955.jpg
This is a draft of a letter from NC State Chancellor Carey Bostian to University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray dated June 6, 1955. The letter supported Gray's calls for UNC schools to send form letters to African American students,…

Chancellor Carey Bostian to University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray, May 31, 1955

Chancellor Carey Bostian to University of North Carolina President Gordon Gray, May 31, 1955.jpg

May 31, 1955

Mr. Gordon Gray, President
The University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Dear Mr. Gray:

I would like to submit the folloll1ng letter as a suggestion for communicating with Negro applicants:

"Dear Mr.…