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Anti-Kent State Protester

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One of the most attention grabbing signs at the Convocation a protester meant it against the National Guard and Nixon, "Tax Us Draft Us Ignore Us But Don't Murder Us"

Peace Retreat in Action

Throughout May 1970 the Peace Retreat was held in a dozen places at a score of times. Faculty met with students to explain their importance in creating a peaceful society. The question of generations was clearly important to the Peace Retreat.…

Peace sign, March on Raleigh, May 1970

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A photo taken during the May 8, 1970 march on Raleigh shows large group of students from across North Carolina along with a man holding a large peace sign placard.

American Flag/Peace Sign

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During the Convocation the photographer got a great shot: a peace sign floating next to the American flag at the University.

NC State Convocation Meeting

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Part of the May 6, 1970 protests, a large meeting at the Convocation to discuss the Vietnam War and the university's place in it drew more than 2,000 people.

Peace Retreat March on Raleigh, May 1970

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Large scale protests swept NC State in May 1970. Angry at Governor Norris for his support of President Nixon's invasion of Cambodia some 6,000 students marched on Raleigh hoping to force the Governor to recant. Though unsuccessful this was the most…

Basketball Player Cherishes Degree

In a special edition of The Technician, this article interviews a black basketball player. The player discusses with the reporter how he values his education and his athletic experience for allowing him to attend NC State.

4-H girls preserving fruits and vegetables

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Four girls practiced canning fruits and vegetables in this photograph.


"Go Vague Rumors," October 16, 1936

A student editorial that discusses the rumors about the football program, and argues that students should continue to show school spirit and support the team during the season.

Kicking a Field Goal, 1938

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This image shows the North Carolina State football team kicking a field goal during a game.