Browse Items (717 total)

"SAAC demands," February 13, 1974

SAAC demands, February 13, 1974.jpg
A letter to the editor authored by NC State senior David V. Brooks, "SAAC demands" criticized student leaders for their support for allocating the Print Shop for an African American cultural center. The letter specifically took issue with student…


"More Quail Roost," May 5, 1974

More Quail Roost, May 5, 1974.jpg
In this May 5, 1974 letter to the editor of NC State's Technician, seven student leaders declared their support for an African American cultural center. The students requested that the administration allocate the Society of Afro-American Culture the…


"Acquaintance Rape"


Acquaintance Rape

By Tawana Myles

Acquaintance rape accounts for 60 percent of all rape cases reported to law enforcement in North Carolina. Acquaintance rape occurs when a person assaults someone they know well, forcing them to have sex. Most…

"AIDS - The Leading Killer Amongst Young Adults"


AIDS - The Leading Killer Amongst Young Adults

By Tawana Myles

Aids [sic] has surpassed accidents as the leading killer of young adults today, experts say. Recent figures show that in 1993, HIV became the leading cause of death for Americans…

Photograph of Hayley at Work

This photograph was taken in August 2014 at the end of Hayley's internship with Greensboro Historical Museum in Greensboro, NC. It portrays Hayley working on rehousing some of the museum's dolls during her internship.

Susan Dyer to Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Kelly, June 25, 1969

This letter was written by the president of States Mates to Dr. Harry Kelly and his wife thanking them for distributing Good Wife Diplomas at the special ceremony for wives of senior male students.

Photograph of Five Yesterdays Assistants at Old Salem Museums and Gardens

This photograph was taken at Old Salem Museums and Gardens during the summer of 2007. The photograph was taken by Susan Ball, the Five Yesterdays program director at Old Salem. The three costumed interpreters are the three assistants at Five…

Conway: Perseverance, Key to Success

In this article in a special edition of The Technician, a black alum discusses his experiences at NC State and the importance of perseverance.

"Do We Shrink Like a Raisin or Explode?"


Do We Shrink Like a Raisin or Explode?

Campus Leaders,

This letter is an appeal to our sisters and brothers and the yard requesting your active support in the struggle to create an Afrikan American Studies Department. An Afrikan American…

"Blatant Racism Behind BAC Rally"


Before beginning, I wish to state that this column is written in response to comments made by the groups specifically named in the text and no others. Observations are made which in no way should be attributed to members of African-American…