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Tupperware: The Nicest Thing That Could Happen To Your Kitchen!


The Nicest Thing That Could Happen To Your Kitchen!

It's Hard Being Black

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It’s hard being black. No matter how much we perceive things as getting better, they’re really not. I’m tired of being followed in the store by people who assume that I will steal if I am not watched closely. Well, I don’t need to steal…

"Peace, Justice and Equality: Can America Provide Any of It?"


Peace, Justice and Equality: Can America Provide Any of It?

By Tony Williamson

Ever since I can remember, concepts such as equality, justice and peace have been sought after by people who share a common interest in obtaining racial harmony in…

"A Message from the Editor: To All My Nubian Brothers and Sisters - 'WHAT'S UP?!'"


To All My Nubian Brothers and Sisters - "WHAT'S UP?!"

By Tony Williamson

I am proud to present to you the first issue of "The Nubian Message," NCSU's first African-American newspaper. It's been a long time coming, but we're finally here and…

Tony Williamson, Founding Editor-in-Chief of The Nubian Message

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This photograph is of Tony Williamson, founding Editor-in-Chief of The Nubian Message, North Carolina State University's African-American student newspaper. Williamson was instrumental in galvanizing student support for The Nubian Message after…

"Black Cultural Center Should be Built"


After recovering from the initial shock of reading Steve Crisp’s column and Jeff Rom’s letter, which both describe UNC-Chapel Hill’s Black Awareness Council as “racist” and “terrorist,” I feel obliged to…

Elementary Student Essay on Hiroshima Atom Bomb

On that sixth of August I wasn’t going to school yet. At the time, I was playing in front of the public bath near home. Then Sei-chan said, “Please go to the garden and pick some flowers.” So I was on my way to get them. All of a sudden there…

Hillsborough in the 1970s

This image, taken in the 1970s by Tom Olsen, reveals the plethora of establishments available for NCSU students. Black students were constantly aware of what establishments were safest and most welcoming to minorities.

Dr. Lawrence M. Clark

Dr. Lawrence M. Clark was instrumental in the implementation of all affirmative action and equal employment opportunity initiatives on NC State's campus. Dr. Clark worked in the Office of the Provost from 1974 to 1995.

The Declaration of Indepedence

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The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. Jefferson was a member of a five group committee within Continental Congress tasked with creating a declaration and justification of colonial independence.