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  • Collection: The Illusion of Inclusion

Violence Looms in Heat of Summer"


There exists, however, a hard-core group of radical blacks who are of substantial numbers and are very vocal. They don’t want equality but supremacy. They are of the same mold as the Aryan Brotherhood except that their aim is the extermination…

What the Media Doesn't Tell You about MLK

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After the programs and specials have ended, it seems as though the life of the great Dr. King has been squeezed into a one to two hour television show, revealing nothing of the true essence of the distinguished civil rights leader. Although it’s…

Why African-Americans MUST Vote on November 7

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The latest breed of black Republicans are quick to document the Democractic Party’s historical negligence of the African-American people. Obvious history-enthusiasts they proclaim the Republican Party’s strong commitment to minority issues,…