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  • Collection: The Illusion of Inclusion

"What's the Next Step?"


What's the Next Step?

By Danny Byers

The Minister Louis Farrakhan has told us a million times about who the cursed seed of Canaanite is and what they have/are doing to us and we have listened. We have listened to the doctrine of the Black…

"Why the Nubian?"


Why the Nubian?

By Glenn French

Why do we need "The Nubian Message" in addition to the "Technician"? It's a matter of perspective. "The Nubian Message" is a newspaper that is from an Afrikan-American point of view. This perspective is reflected…

A Pale Campus

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According to admissions, 435 African-American students were admitted to N.C. State University this semester. For the 3,757 new freshmen at NCSU, only 393 were African-American.

The most recent statistics at NCSU shows that the black student…

An Essay to Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America

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What “burns me up” as my granny use to say is listening to historians like Duke University’s John Hope Franklin giving thoughtless advice to President William Jefferson Clinton that Clinton should not apologize for slavery. Yes, for the last…

Black Intellect Outlines Challenges Facing Tomorrow's Leaders

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According to Dyson, the future of Black America will require sharp young black people who do not waste their time on triviality. He then went on to explain that the African American leaders of the future will have to be individuals who can speak…

Black Men Get Used to Your "Suspect" Status

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Last year while walking down Gorman street at night, I was stopped and questioned by Public Safety. The reason was simply because I was a black man. In fact, the officer told me so.

“Son, we had a description come over the radio of a black male.…

Cowards in Our Midst/Not Nearly Enough

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Those who will not stand up for their fellow black brothers and sisters on campus, those who fear being labeled as too black or too militant are in the opinion of this paper, cowards.

Those who are willing to step up and voice their opinions,…

Discrete Discrimination/On the Future of HBCU's

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Houpe, Discrete Discrimination: Another purchase that millions of Americans make each year is their automobile. Not unlike the real estate business, the automotive sales industry has found veiled ways to discriminate against minorities.…

It's Hard Being Black

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It’s hard being black. No matter how much we perceive things as getting better, they’re really not. I’m tired of being followed in the store by people who assume that I will steal if I am not watched closely. Well, I don’t need to steal…

It's Not All in a Name

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We need to learn how to make the best of every situation that we find ourselves in. Which means that we need to overcome disappointment if when we graduate and can’t find that top dollar job. Now, I am not speaking of myself, so don’t sit back…