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- Collection: The Illusion of Inclusion
"Funding in Question for AACC Library/Gallery"
Funding in Question for AACC Library/Gallery
By Fred Frazier
In a turn of events not uncanny to this complex, the African American Cultural Center's library has, once again, run into staffing problems. Normally the library operates from 9 a.m.…
"The Need for Slavery"
The Need for Slavery
By George Gaitland
The history of the Afrikan and Afrikan-American is and endless list of achievements; from Royalty and excellence, to slavery and freedom, to the struggle for redemption. However, in our whole history,…
"Why the Nubian?"
Why the Nubian?
By Glenn French
Why do we need "The Nubian Message" in addition to the "Technician"? It's a matter of perspective. "The Nubian Message" is a newspaper that is from an Afrikan-American point of view. This perspective is reflected…
"Promote Racial Equality, Don't Delay It"
In January, we celebrated Martin Luther King's birthday, and it's fitting because he wanted everyone to live in peace and harmony and work together to get rid of such diseases as bigotry and hatred toward people due to race, religion, sex, age and…
"Four Reasons for Using 'K' in Afrika"
Four Reasons for Using "K" in Afrika Most vernacular or traditional languages on the continent spell Afrika with a K; therefore the use of K is germane to us. Europeans, particularly the Portuguese and British, polluted our languages by…
Our Forgotten Kings
This past week marked the 13th celebration of the national holiday created to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In cities across the nation, activities such as festivals, oratorical contests, plays, marches, and discussion panels…
The Wake Up Call
A lot of you may be wondering what’s next, you have our attention so what are you going to do with it Harold. So, now it’s time to dig deeper. We have recognized that there is a problem with the operation of our student organizations, but now we…
The Hidden Threats
A lot of things go on behind the scenes that many of us are not aware of. These are the things that are most threatening to our well-being, the things that affect our lives the most. Especially being in college, if you don’t seek to find…
"Lack of Respect Issue Not Addressed in Editorial"
Recently, Technician published an editorial that explored the issue of what Africans should be called in America. As an African, born in America, I was deeply disappointed with your editorial. In my opinion, it lacked depth and sensitivity.…
"Nate Was Voicing a Popular Sentiment"
I'm writing in response to Nathan Gay's article "Contest is Racist." To begin with, it about time someone has spoken out about this growing problem. This university attempts to pride itself on its non-racist demeanor while at the same time it allows…
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"Unconsolidate 'Em," 1937

An article from a North Carolina newspaper discussed the rivalry between State College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and how it…