A student at the Convocation holding a sign "Nixon said he would end the war and bring the country together...Look what he did!" and protesting the invasion of Cambodia.
When Vice President Spiro Agnew visited NC State in October 1970 he was met with a divided campus. Many in the University supported the Vice Presidency while the protesters were surprisingly quiet. They did not want to give authorities the excuse to…
In this page of a speech given by Chancellor John T. Caldwell to students at NC State, the chancellor spoke of wanting to have student participation in decision-making processes at the university. He applauded the strong student government acting at…
Transcribed from back: Fall 1959; Charles Russell, [Secretary, Student Government]; [Left to Right:] Clyda Weeks, Frances Goodwin, Linda Wey: 3 "queens"; NCS [Representative] to "Consolidated [University] Day" at [Chapel] Hill; NCS-UNC football game;…
ThisTechnicianarticle comments on the disillusionment of student leftists and radicals in connection with Choice '68, a National Collegiate Presidential Primary financed byTimeMagazine.