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  • Collection: Activists and Authorities: the May 1970 Protests at North Carolina State University

Radical Student Leftists: Dreamers or Workers?

ThisTechnicianarticle comments on the disillusionment of student leftists and radicals in connection with Choice '68, a National Collegiate Presidential Primary financed byTimeMagazine.


Representatives for Consolidated University Day at Chapel Hill

Transcribed from back: Fall 1959; Charles Russell, [Secretary, Student Government]; [Left to Right:] Clyda Weeks, Frances Goodwin, Linda Wey: 3 "queens"; NCS [Representative] to "Consolidated [University] Day" at [Chapel] Hill; NCS-UNC football game;…

Civil Rights Declaration Approved by S.G. Thursday

NC State students reacted to the Woolworth’s lunch counter sit-in at Greensboro in 1960, when the Student Government called for the integration of surrounding Raleigh landlords and public facilities.


Vietnam Moratorium Brochure

LRHJr_March On Washington_MC94.1.3_6.pdf
This brochure for the Vietnam Moratorium displays dates for New Mobe's March on Washington.

"Senate Acts on Student Requests"

This article, on the front page of The Technician, described the faculty senate's decision that they should encourage political activism. The decision changed class policy rules and allowed students to treat missing class for a political event…

"Chancellor Appoints Disruption Policy Committees"

This article is located on the last page of this edition of The Technician. In it, Hilton Smith wrote about the disruption policy committees that Chancellor Caldwell created in November 1970. The committees contained both students and faculty, each…

Speech to New Students

Speech to new students 1968.pdf
In this page of a speech given by Chancellor John T. Caldwell to students at NC State, the chancellor spoke of wanting to have student participation in decision-making processes at the university. He applauded the strong student government acting at…

"We Have to Cope"

We have to cope.pdf
This in-work copy of Chancellor Caldwell's speech outlined the two main groups in American society pushing for change during the 1960s: younger African-Americans and youthful activists. When speaking of the second group, Caldwell put forth the idea…

"The Chancellor earns an ovation and flowers, too"

The Chancellor earns an ovation and flowers, too.pdf
This editorial in The Gazette lauded Caldwell for his statements in his 1969 convocation.

"The Fulfillment Gap"

The fulfillment gap.pdf
This in-work copy of John Caldwell's speech recognized the main problems of the world and accepted students' discontent with how the world was operating. He reminded his listeners that not all students were the same: some practiced anarchism and…